


目的: 為提升台灣地區自然影片製作水準,特邀請國際自然傳播界、享有「綠色奧斯卡」美譽的英國Wildscreen來台播映得獎及入圍影片21部,並邀請英國BBC、RSPB等單位之資深自然影片工作者,舉辦研習營,邀請自然影片從業人員、NGO及有志從事自然影片製作之學生及個人,共計40人。

議 程
日期 時間 課程 題目 主講
9月3日星期六 9:00 報到
9:30 開幕 課程及講者介紹 台灣野望
10:00 第1節 炒熱話題:成功的配料 Jonathan Renouf
12:00 午餐
13:00 第2節 野生動物影片保鮮法 Nick Upton
15:00 休息
15:30 第3節 用影片改變世界 Derek Kilkenny-Blake
17:30 綜合討論 所有講者
18:00 下課
9月4日星期日 9:30 暖身及回顧 台灣野望
10:00 第4節 如何說一個故事:

Jonathan Renouf
12:00 午餐
13:00 第5節 在台灣製作野生動物影片 Nick Upton
15:00 休息
15:30 第6節 研究:影片製作的基礎 Karen Partridge
17:30 綜合討論 所有講者
18:00 閉幕


強納森‧雷諾夫Jonathan Renouf

強納森‧雷諾夫(Jonathan Renouf)在英國BBC科學部門,曾以執行製作的身份兩度獲得相當於英國奧斯卡的「英國影視藝術學院獎」提名。製作科學和自然節目超過將近十年的經驗,作品包括「明日世界Tomorrow's World」、「地平線Horizon」(副剪輯)、「粗獷科學Rough science」以及最近獲獎的系列節目「地球:星球的力量Earth: Power of the Planet」、「地球: 氣候戰爭Earth: The Climate Wars」、「大地如何塑造文明How Earth Made Us 」(本次影展片)以及「宇宙奇觀Wonders of the Universe」。他曾在地球最炎熱和最酷寒的地方拍片,並獲得皇家電視協會獎(Royal television society)提名,以及三次Wildscreen影展的熊貓獎得主。
Jonathan Renouf is a twice BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) nominated Executive Producer in the BBC Science Department. He's been making science and nature programmes for more than 10 years, including Tomorrow's WorldHorizon (where he was deputy editor), Rough Science and more recently the award-winning series Earth: Power of the PlanetEarth: The Climate WarsHow Earth Made Us and Wonders of the Universe.

He has filmed in the hottest and coldest places on Earth, been nominated for an RTS Award (Royal television society)and is a three-time Panda Award winner at the Wildscreen Festival.

炒熱話題: 成功的配料


Cooking up a hit: The ingredients of success

There is no one formula for success in film making, but there are a small number of indispensible ingredients. Using clips from many different types of natural history documentary, Executive Producer Jonathan Renouf draws out these ingredients, and shows how they can be used in different ways, no matter what your film is about.

如何說一個故事: 抄內線!


Storytelling: the inside track

The greatest challenge for documentary makers making films about “nature” is how to weave a narrative thread through complex content. Executive Producer Jonathan Renouf takes you through the storytelling process, using before and after sequences taken from the edits of a major landmark series to reveal some storytelling tricks of the trade.


尼克‧厄普頓Nick  Upton

尼克‧厄普頓(Nick Upton)曾獲得多項影片大獎,擁有將近25年研究、編導及製作自然紀錄片的經驗。他是「大衛艾登堡系列:生命的試煉Trials of Life」的系列研究與助理製片,其後擔任綠色大傘公司自然史部門的部長與製片,為英國BBC、國家地理頻道和歐美各地許多公共廣播電視製作節目。

Nick在2001年轉為自由工作者後,已為台灣的公共電視台製作了三支影片 (風暴島嶼、獼猴列傳之戰爭與和平、野性蘭嶼),對於在台灣拍攝野生動物有相當豐富的經驗。

Nick Upton is a multi-award winning filmmaker with nearly 25 years experience of researching, directing, scripting and producing nature documentaries. He first worked as Series Researcher / Assistant Producer on the seminal David Attenborough series, Trials of Life, then as Producer and Head of Natural History at Green Umbrella Ltd. making programmes for broadcasters such as BBC, National Geographic and many other public service broadcasters in Europe and the USA.

Since turning freelance in 2001, Nick has made three films in Taiwan for Taiwan Public Television Service (Typhoon Island, Monkey War and Peace, and Spirits of Orchid Island)and is particularly familiar with the opportunities and challenges of filming wildlife there.

野生動物影片保鮮法: 運用多樣型式和技巧說故事


Keeping Wildlife Films Fresh: Using varied styles and techniques to enhance stories about wildlife.

There is no single “right way” to make wildlife films and finding “different” ways to tell wildlife stories keeps them fresh and engaging, even when budgets are tight. Clips from many of Nick’s films will show a wide variety of styles and specialist techniques he’s used to tell wildlife stories.

在台灣製作野生動物影片: 挑戰與潛能


Making Wildlife Films in Taiwan: Special challenges, special potential

Taiwan has huge potential for wildlife filmmakers who like a challenge. Elusive animals, steep mountains, extreme weather and working with different cultures can be very testing but can also prove highly rewarding. Nick will describe his experiences and the techniques he used while making three very different films in Taiwan.


凱倫.派翠姬Karen Partridge

凱倫.派翠姬(Karen Partridge)對於野生動物充滿熱情,並且屢屢獲獎,擁有動物學學位,與14年從事自然影片製作經驗。她為英國BBC及ITV、Discovery探索頻道、動物星球、國家地理頻道及美國公共電視網PBS (WNET)製作過多部獲獎節目,包括:終極指南:螞蟻(The Ultimate Guide: Ants),殺人蜂:馴服蜂群(Killer Bees: Taming the Swarm), 雪花:大猩猩的故事(Snowflake: A Gorilla’s Story )and五大猛獸追蹤競賽(Big 5 Challenge)。2008及2010兩年,凱倫擔任Wildscreen影展的內容聯絡人(Content Co-ordinator),監督節目及大師班的進行。2009及2010年,她則擔任Communicate大會的內容製作人(Content Producer ),與會的成員都是資深的環境議題傳播人員。

Karen Partridge is an award-winning producer with a passion for wildlife, a degree in zoology and more than 14 years experience of making natural history films. She has produced programmes for the BBC, ITV, Discovery, Animal Planet, National Geographic and PBS (WNET). Her award-winning programmes include The Ultimate Guide: Ants, Killer Bees: Taming the Swarm, Snowflake: A Gorilla’s Story and Big 5 Challenge.  In 2008 and 2010 Karen was Content Co-ordinator for the Wildscreen Festival in Bristol, overseeing the programme of talks and masterclasses.  And in 2009 and 2010 she was Content Producer for Communicate, a conference for senior environmental communicators.



Making a Difference …

Using specific examples from cinema, television and the internet this workshop will explore whether environmental films can make a difference.  Can they instigate changes in legislation? Can they change the behaviour of the people who watch them?  Can they inspire action?  Are some films more successful than others at doing this and why?



Research: the foundation on which films are made

Research is where it all begins and where it can all end.  Research will help you find your story, tell it in the right way and ensure it reaches its target audience.  Whether you're stuck getting started or fumbling with the facts, this illustrated workshop will provide useful hints to help you begin laying a solid foundation for your film.